Catalog > Fizzy Pop
Fizzy Pop
Fizzy Pop

This lip balm tastes just like gingerale to me, to others it reminds them of their favorite lemon/lime soda. It is sweet and refreshing, you can almost taste the bubbles. This is another favorite of mine. 

Are you kissin’ your mama with those lips? Bean Tree Soap Lip Balm will make sure your pucker is pretty awesome and ready for some sugar.

Seriously, this stuff is A-MAZING, if we don't mind saying so ourselves. The main star in this tube of awesome, is organic extra virgin coconut oil. I mean, how can you go wrong when that is what you are putting on your lips? Then we add some argan and vitamin E oil for extra moisturizing. This blend does include beeswax, so it is not truly vegan.

Made from organic extra virgin coconut oil, argan oil, castor oil, beeswax, candelilla wax, vitamin e and flavors, this lip balm is not greasy and never gets gritty or lumpy. These tubes will withstand the heat from your pocket and your car. I leave one (or 5!) in the cupholder of my car throughout a South Georgia summer with no problems. They also make it through a wash cycle perfectly, oops! But I do not recommend the dryer.

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